When applying for a loan, there are specific documents you need to bring in order to be considered. Sometimes it is a little unclear about what to bring, so below I have written a little bit about each document needed. There are many types of home loans so the requirements might vary depending on which one suits you best.
Verification of Income
- Earnings Statement: W-2 forms, recent pay stubs and tax returns from the past two years
- If Self-employed: profit.loss statements and tax returns for the current year and past two years
- Any Additional: social security, overtime bonus, commission, interest income, veteran’s benefits, and any others if applicable
Verification of your assets
- Bank account numbers, bank branch address, checking and savings account statements for the past 2-3 months
- Savings bonds, stocks or investments, as well as an estimate of the market values
- Copies of the titles of any vehicles that are pai in full
Information about the purchase
- Copy of purchase contract
- If you made a deposit to the seller, bring a copy of cancelled deposit check
Your debts
- A couple periods of credit card bills
- Any consumer debt loans (if applicable)
- Evidence of mortgage (if applicable)
- Copies of alimony or child support (if applicable)
I really hope this information has helped you, so you will be prepared when you need a loan. If you have any questions about mortgages and/or loans, call Brian Quigley at (720) 545-9068!
About the Author
NMLS# #244003
Brian Quigley has been in the Denver mortgage industry since 2003. Customer satisfaction has been his top priority while guiding clients through the home loan qualification process. He is proficient in all types of mortgage financing including FHA/VA, Conventional, USDA, Jumbo, Portfolio, 1031 Exchanges, Reverse Mortgages, Refinancing, Construction loans, and FHA 203K loans.