Foreign National Loans
Home loans for those who are not citizens of the Unites States.
Beacon Lending Can Successfully Guide You Through the Home Loan Process
Getting a Mortgage Loan Without Being a U.S Citizen
Impossible? Not at all. With the proper documentation, you are able to buy a home in the United States without being a U.S Citizen. Let’s examine each kind of situation where this would apply
- Foreign National – A person who is not a citizen of the United States
- Resident Alien – A foreigner who is a permanent resident in the United States but does not have citizenship. You will need a Green Card to be this status. You are subject to the same taxes as a U.S. citizen.
- Non-Resident Permanent Alien – This person does not meet the Green Card of Substantial Presence Test, and are usually here on a VISA
- VISA – An endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.
There are many types of VISAs that you can get, and for a detailed list, or to check what kind of VISA you have, if any, you can click here.
The good news is that we can get you a Mortgage loan if you fall into any of the above categories. Foreign National, Permanent Resident, and Non-Permanent Resident people all can get a mortgage loan.
For a detailed analysis of your current residency and to see what kind of loan you will qualify for, contact Brian Quigley to get started today.